Thursday 5 July 2012

Petrol price reduced again, people relieved Now, want state govt to reduce VAT on petrolShivani Bhakoo
Tribune News Service
Ludhiana, June 29
Reduction of the ever-increasing petrol prices by Rs 2.46 by the Central government has provided respite to the commuters. The new rates were implemented from 12 am today. If distributors of the oil companies are to be believed, then the price of petrol are expected to reduce further by July 15.
Talking to The Tribune, General Secretary of the Ludhiana Petrol Diesel Association, Ashok Sachdeva, said the slash in the rates had provided some respite to the commuters. The people will feel relieved if the prices of the crude oil are reduced by Rs 2 again till July 2.
In Ludhiana, the premium petrol will be available for Rs 78.71 per liter while the ordinary petrol will be Rs 75.86 per liter. The prices of petrol were drastically increased by Rs 7.50 per liter last month by the Central government. And this step of the government had invited criticism from all sections of society.
A distributor on the outskirts of the city said speculations were rife that the policy-makers would bring certain reforms in the oil sector after the Presidential elections. “We are expecting that after 15 to 20 day, the prices of diesel, which is subsidized, may see an increase up to Rs 3 or Rs 4 to share the burden, which in a way will be a correct step,” said the distributor.
Meanwhile, the commuters said this would certainly provide some respite. They demanded that the state government should also decrease the VAT on petrol to provide more relief to the commuters. Surinder Mohan, a bank employee, said the ever-increasing prices of petrol had brought frustration among the commuters, using petrol-run vehicles.
“Though we are bit relieved, if the state government decides to bring down the VAT on petrol, which is 33 per cent presently and start putting more VAT on diesel, which now is 8.9 per cent, then petrol rates will reduce further in Punjab. Secondly, this will balance the entire situation,” said the bank employee.

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